
➢ SATELLITE TELEPHONY - Voice and / or Data transmission through satellites and earth stations. Global coverage.
Prepaid plans free of monthly charges.
➢ RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - Radiofrequency communication solutions (HF, VHF and UHF) for voice and / or data transmission.
- Portable Radios
- Mobile Radios
- Repeaters
- Links
➢ TELEMETRY AND RADIO LINKS - Equipment for transmitting data through a specific RF frequency
Applications in:
Critical Infrastructure, and
Public Utilities Companies
➢ IP VOICE AND ENCRYPTION - Tools based on IP Voice technologies, allowing to store communications, retransmit them, administer users and give instructions.
If you want to obtain more information about it, click on the title above "COMMUNICATIONS" and send your comments or questions through the inquiry form
Secured communications equipment and solutions